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Elevator Certificate of Operation Extension (60 Days)
Except as permitted herein, or by the Division of Elevator Safety, no Contractor, Mechanic or Inspector may work on or inspect a conveyance that does not have a current Certificate of Operation issued by the State of Illinois.
A 60-day one-time extension may be obtained from the OSFM so that a conveyance owner can schedule an inspection in order to obtain a Certificate of Operation. The OSFM will grant the 60-day extension so that service may be performed.
The inspection company may have its licensed inspector perform the requested inspection prior to receiving permission from the OSFM, provided the inspection company notifies OSFM via email or phone call the next business day, providing the location of the conveyance that is registered but lacks a current Certificate of Operation. The inspector must remove the conveyance from service if he/she determines the conveyance is unsafe to operate. The OSFM must be notified by the inspector when a conveyance is placed out of service and when returned to service.
A licensed mechanic may work on a conveyance with an expired Certificate of Operation if there is a final inspection report not older than 30 days posted in the equipment room prior to the conveyance owner applying for and receiving its annual Certificate of Operation. Should the inspection report be older than 30 days, the elevator contractor/mechanic must notify OSFM via email or phone call the next business day, providing the location of the conveyance.
Please complete the form at the link below. Notification of approval/denial will be sent to the Location Contact Email Address by the next business day after submission of this request.