Public School Inspection Program
- **Notice**
- Public School Inspection Requirements
- Submitting Public School Inspection Reports
- Becoming a Qualified Fire Official, Tier 1 and Tier 2
- Tier 2 Public School Inspection Training Program
- Upcoming Public School Inspection Classes
- Qualified Fire Official List
- Private School Annual Compliance Report
- School Fire Reporting Form
NFPA 3000, Standard for an Active Shooter / Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program is now available through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This standard is to assist with functions and actions related to preparedness, response, and recovery from an active shooter / hostile event response. (ASHER) It applies to all who prepare and respond to ASHER incidents, and will assist with organizing, managing, and sustaining an ASHER program. Click in the link below to be directed to the NFPA website.
The Illinois Terrorism Task Force School Safety Working Group is composed of local law enforcement professionals, Illinois State Police, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, representatives of campus emergency management, campus police, the school resource officers association and representatives of statewide school associations. No recommendation was included until it had achieved a clear consensus among law enforcement professionals and school officials. The group will continue to meet to discuss other school safety related issues as well as the possible implementation of these 13 initial recommendations designed to help make Illinois schools even safer. Click in the link below to be directed to the ITTF document
Public School Inspection Requirements
In accordance with state statute and Illinois administrative code, local fire officials are authorized to conduct annual fire safety inspections in Illinois public school buildings. The below documents pertain to the inspection of public school buildings by representatives of local units of government.
As a reminder, local fire officials must comply with prerequisite certification requirements as well as attend classroom instruction by the OSFM prior to being recognized as being able to conduct public school inspections within their jurisdictions. A list of those individuals that have met all necessary prerequisites and are registered with the OSFM to perform local public school inspections can be accessed below.
The following documents include both the "new fire service" as well as the "ROE/Regional Office of Education" checklist for conducting public school inspections (local fire officials may use either checklist for conducting public school inspections) as well as the accompanying explanatory glossary that can be used with either checklist. The PowerPoint presentation used during classroom presentations is also available below.
Glossary and Checklists for Current Year Public School Inspections
2011-2024 School Year Training Documents
The Public School Training 2024 Class is the information to be used when taking the OSFM class
Submitting Public School Inspection Reports
- Appropriate ROE or ISC and
- Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) using the submittal portal
If you are one of the local jurisdictions participating in the public school inspection program we want to thank you for this participation and your effort to be active in your community’s public schools. We know this program provides many additional benefits for the departments that participate by getting to know the school staff, providing an opportunity to exchange information and identify priorities that are important not only for the safety of the school but the response of emergency services.
This program is in accordance with Illinois Administrative Code, Title 41, Section 111 School Inspections. In our effort to improve the tracking of these public school inspections, and in accordance with Section 111, inspection reports for public schools conducted by qualified fire officials under the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Division of the Office of the State Fire Marshal This submission requirement is in addition to the requirement to submit inspection reports to the appropriate Regional Office of Education or for schools in Cook County the Intermediate Service Center.
Beginning September 1, 2016 local fire departments who perform public school inspections shall submit their inspection reports through the Mobile Eyes Inspection Portal utilizing the most up to date and current Public School Inspection ROE Checklist OR the Fire Service Checklist.
These two checklists and forms are updated and changed annually. The current year Glossary and 2 approved checklists are available on our web site after August 1st of each new school year. These checklists are now PDF fillable and can be downloaded to an iPad, tablet, or computer to enter data into. The reports can then be saved locally and submitted to the OSFM Portal.
The links below provide documents which explain the process for setting up your account along with instructions on how to submit your inspections. Please contact the Fire Prevention Division's Administrative Assistant via email at or by phone 217-785-4714.
The Mobile Eyes Help Desk (866-442-9002) is available from 8 AM to 9 PM for those that experience trouble with this process. This internet based portal is no cost to the users and is easier and less expensive than printing a copy and mailing in reports. It saves us time and manpower needed to process mailed paper reports and puts them into an electronic document storage system.
Please note that the SFM is using the new submission process for inspection reports which became effective September 1, 2016. The new procedure will be covered during this class. More information about the new submission process is also available in the SUBMITTING PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTION REPORTS area above
Once again we appreciate the efforts of the local fire departments conducting these inspections.
Becoming a Qualified Fire Official, Tier 1 & Tier 2
Requirements to become a Qualified Fire Official
Local fire personnel must comply with prerequisite certification requirements as well as attend classroom instruction by OSFM prior to being recognized to conduct public school inspections within their jurisdictions. A list of Qualified Fire Officials who have met all necessary prerequisites and are registered with OSFM to perform local public school inspections can be accessed below.
Note: local Qualified Fire Officials who have attended a previous OSFM public school inspection class do not need to attend class on an annual basis but are welcome and encouraged to attend as the rules and requirements are changed and updated every year.
There are two levels of Qualified Fire Official: Tier 1 & Tier 2
Tier 1 Inspector, please send:
- Your Name
- Department Name
A copy of a qualifying certificate (any of the following): OSFM Fire Officer I, OSFM Company Fire Officer, OSFM Fire Officer II, OSFM Advanced Fire Officer, OSFM Fire Prevention Officer, OSFM Basic Fire Prevention Officer, OSFM Advanced Fire Prevention Officer, OSFM Fire Inspector 1, NFPA Fire Inspector I, or ICC Fire Inspector 1
A signed letter from the Chief, on Department letterhead, stating that you are allowed to take the class and will be conducting public school inspections in your area after you’ve taken the class
- A list of all the public schools in your jurisdiction (that you will be inspecting) and their addresses
To register as a Tier 2 Inspector, please send:
- Your Name
- Department Name
- A signed letter from the Chief, on Department letterhead, stating that you are assigned as a fire inspector or a fire officer on your department and will be conducting public school inspections in your area after you’ve taken the class
Please indicate that you are registering as a Tier 2 Inspector. Coursework will be verified by the OSFM.
Contact our Fire Prevention Division by phone at 217-785-4714, or via email at, with any questions or to register.
Tier 2 Public School Inspection Training Program
The new program offers an alternative pathway to become a qualified fire official with the OSFM. The program consists of the following: online coursework, in person class time, and shadowing a current Tier 1 fire officials during public school inspections. Fire service personnel can become qualified fire officials if 1) they are assigned as a fire inspector or a fire officer on their fire department or fire protection district, 2) they complete both online and in-person class, and 3) they shadow with a Tier 1 inspector the inspection of a high school and a grade school, and possibly more schools until the Tier 1 Official determines proficiency.
To begin the Tier 2 program, please click here to register for the Tier 2 online coursework. After registering, you should receive a response within 5 business days.
Upcoming Public School Inspection Classes
Apr 7 2025
Public School Inspection Class Macomb (4/7/25)
School Inspector Class - Monday, April 7, 2025, 10:00 AM
Class Information and Registration
The class will be held in the 1st Floor Conference Room
Apr 21 2025
Public School Inspection Class Mundelein (4/21/25)
School Inspector Class - Monday, April 21, 2025, 09:00 AM
Apr 29 2025
Public School Inspection Class-Frankfort (4/29/25)
School Inspector Class - Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 08:30 AM
Previously Qualified Fire Officials
Course completion certificates are now available for anyone that has completed the Public School Inspection Training Program. If you would like an electronic copy of this certificate, please contact our Fire Prevention Division by phone at 217-785-4714 via email at
Qualified Fire Officials
Private School Annual Compliance Report
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (“OSFM”) recognizes the pivotal role assumed by private school administrators in safeguarding Illinois school children. To that end, the OSFM would like to remind you of your respective duties under the School Safety Drill Act, 105 ILCS 128 et al. (“Act”). The Act has the express purpose of establishing "minimum requirements and standards for schools to follow when conducting school safety drills and reviewing school emergency and crisis response plans and to encourage schools and first responders to work together for the safety of children." As detailed in the Act, "all" Illinois schools are required to institute various safety drills and engage in an annual review of the school's safety preparedness. More specifically, the Act imposes the following tasks upon private elementary and secondary schools each academic year:
- Conduct at least three school evacuation drills, one of which must include the participation of the appropriate local fire department or district
- Conduct a law enforcement drill, with the participation of the appropriate law enforcement agency.
- Conduct, at a minimum, one severe weather and shelter-in-place drill.
- If applicable, during each academic year, schools are required to conduct at least one bus evacuation drill.
- Drills that are conducted within a school building are required to be conducted at each school building that houses school children.
- Perform at a minimum, one annual review of each school building’s emergency and crisis response plans, protocols, and procedures and each building’s compliance with the school’s safety drill programs.
Upon conclusion of your school’s annual review, a Private School Annual Review Compliance Report must be completed and sent to the OSFM detailing same. Reports are to be submitted once per calendar year to:
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Division of Fire Prevention
1035 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
Copies of the Private School Annual Review Compliance Report should also be provided to each appropriate fire department, fire protection district and/or law enforcement agency that participated in the review. The Private School Annual Review Compliance Report form may be found at the link provided below.
Private School Annual Review Compliance Report
This form can be filled out and submitted online if using Internet Explorer. All other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) require you to download the document to your computer in order to be filled out and signed digitally. Either way, it can still be submitted to us electronically.
School Fire Reporting Form
Pursuant to the School Safety Drill Act, 105 ILCS 128/35, the attached form can be used to report fires that occur in schools located in the State of Illinois.
Click on the link below and the form can be filled out and sent directly to the Office of the State Fire Marshal by clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button once information is entered.
Click on the link below and the form can be filled out and sent directly to the Office of the State Fire Marshal by clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button once information is entered.