Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Inspection Request - Online Form
This form is to request an inspection by a State of Illinois Inspector, only.
(41 III. Adm. Code, Subpart A, Section 2120.40 b)
Effective January 1, 1999, all first-time inspections of boilers and pressure vessels shall be performed by the Chief, or a Deputy Inspector employed by the Division.
Inspection Request Information
If your location is insured by one of the insurance companies listed below, please contact the insurance company directly.
Printable Copy of Insurance Companies Listed Below
Commissioned Jurisdictional Insurance Companies
Arise Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company | (440) 746-8860 | arise-inspections@tuvsud.com |
CNA Insurance Company | (866) 262-0540 ext. 4 | https://cna.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rIsWQJXnTQro0e?source=cnacom or |
Chubb Limited | (312) 529-6731 | https://www.chubb.com/us-en/request-a-jurisdictional-inspection.html |
Cincinnati Insurance Company | (513) 870-2750 | |
Factory Mutual Global Insurance Company | (847) 430-7000 | engwesternamericasjurisdictionalservices@fmglobal.com |
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company | (800) 333-4677 | HSBInspectionScheduling@hsb.com |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company | (877) 526-0020 | LMEBInspections@libertymutual.com |
OneCIS Insurance Company, a Bureau Veritas Company | (855) 593-5115 | inspectionrequest@bureauveritas.com |
Sompo International | (833) 390-1070 | SOMPOEB_inspections@Sompo-intl.com |
Starr Indemnity & Liability Insurance Company | (470) 480-8319 | boilerrequest@starrcompanies.com |
The Travelers Companies | (800) 425-4119 | Boilinsp@travelers.com |
XL Insurance America, Incorporated | (770) 614-3111 | |
Zurich American Insurance Company | (800) 562-5814 | https://esolutions.zurichna.com/s3/Boiler-Inspection-Request-System or |
Notice: Due to a website issue, any request made from mid-November through December 26 were not received by the OSFM Boiler Division. Please re-submit these request by using the form below.
Request a Boiler or Pressure Vessel Inspection
* indicates required field